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White Paper

Insider Threats in the Government Sector: Consequences, Major Challenges, and Mitigation Steps

This white paper will review the major aspects that complicate insider threat management in governmental institutions and provide insights on how to prevent insider threats despite those complications.

The shift to remote work increased the risk of insider threats, especially in governmental institutions that handle vast amounts of sensitive information. Detecting and recovering from an incident caused by an insider can be a highly resource-consuming process, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and harm to national security.

Download the white paper to gain a deeper understanding of insider threat management in governmental institutions and learn best practices for effective prevention.

Read this paper to discover the following:

  • Types of security incidents caused by cybercriminals, hacktivists, state-sponsored espionage groups, and insider threats
  • Identities of insiders who harm the organization either carelessly or deliberately
  • Real examples of insider threats in the government sector not limited to Edward Snowden case
  • Best security practices for insider threat mitigation in state and local governments