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Compared with the cybersecurity chaos that 2020 and 2021 summoned, 2022 initially seemed like a year of relative calm. But Q3 brought an absolute assault on both government and corporate servers across the globe. It represented a 70% increase in data breaches over Q2’s numbers according to a recent Surfshark report. The Gartner Cyber Judgment Survey found that over 40% of information risk decisions are made outside of IT’s umbrella. De facto, security lapses are the subject of collective responsibility, but CISOs are put under the highest pressure since they are the ones in charge of cybersecurity.

This paper reviews the harsh lessons of recent years, rising trends, and technologies that are expected to peak in the near future to help CISOs develop greater effectiveness while keeping a calm mind.

Read this paper to prepare for:

  • Efficient conversations with the board and taking control of the security landscape
  • Facing a 44% increase in the risk of an insider data breach
  • Complying with new government cybersecurity standards
  • Adopting zero trust alternatives for better user data protection

About the author

Jonathan Care is a recognised expert in the field of cybersecurity and fraud detection. A former top-rated Gartner analyst, Care was responsible for defining the fraud market and leading Gartner’s Insider Threat and Risk research. He regularly advises cybersecurity industry leaders on strategic growth and has worked with key figures in industry and government across the globe. He is a lead contributor to Dark Reading, an industry-defining publication.

Care has testified in court as an expert witness and forensic investigator and is a Fellow of the British Computer Society.